quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2011

I Miss You (L)

Partiste da maneira dolorosa que partiste, deixas-te saudade em todos nós, filhos, netos e bisnetos. Falo por mim, mas é como se eu fosse uma voz no geral. Todos nós te adorava-mos, por tudo o que fazias por nós, todas as coisas queridas que nos dizias, até mesmo pela preocupação que demonstravas por mim quando eu brincava com as luzes da árvore de natal.. Momentos que passei contigo nunca os esquecerei, serás para sempre a Avó Maria ♥ Só queria que voltasses mas, tive que me mentalizar que não o podes, faz agora 6 anos dia 13 de Outubro que partiste. Espero que olhes por nós aí de cima e só te peço, espera por nós onde quer que estejas. $: AMO-TE Avó. ♥

quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

Some words $:

You’re the reason in me, the reason of my life, the reason why i smile every day and every night. You make me feel alive and safe when I’m with you. I don’t know explain how the things are when I’m by your side, but I feel like I was a kid again, I feel my heart beats  faster and the butterflies in my  belly. It’s really strange, this almost looks a dream but I know that is real, this have to be real. I don’t know how I can feel this, but I don’t care about that, ‘cuz the same time I know that I never will have you in my life $: you make me laugh when you say that you are the strong one and I’m just a little girl, but now I’ll show you who is the kid here, if this was me or you! Yes, I loved you with all the strengths that I had and even the strengths that I thought weren't possible.  Now it’s over, the things change, I’m bored to be a sweet girl that always forgive (I had always forgive your shit) , they call me a bitch and they sometimes invent things that aren’t real, if you believe or not, I already don’t care about this, I know who I’m. I already don’t care with the other people thinks, I love my friends and even my enemies. So peace and love for all. Even though i still loving you, you never know. <3